
Dr. 梁春雷获博士学位.D. 2005年获得伦敦大学学位. He is a developer of multiple numerical solvers for both compressible and incompressible viscous flows. His research was recognized by an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program award in 2014, 2016年获得美国国家科学基金会颁发的职业成就奖, and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) from the White House in 2019. Dr. Liang's students have won best paper/best presentation awards in multiple national and international conferences. 在他的业余时间,博士. 梁打乒乓球、国际象棋、篮球和羽毛球.


ASME Fellow



  • Dr. James Chen (PhD thesis 2011),   Associate Professor of University of Buffalo, NY
  • Dr. Andrew DeJong(2013年博士论文), Computational Engineer of Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD)
  • Dr. Junfeng Wang (PhD thesis 2016), Computational Engineer of Simerics Inc, Seattle WA.
  • Dr. 杨晶晶(博士论文2018),R&D Software Engineering Manager of Dassault Systèmes, Boston MA.
  • Dr. Christopher Cox (PhD thesis 2018), Staff Scientist of Lawrence Livermore National Lab
  • Dr. Bin Zhang (PhD thesis 2016), Visiting 助理教授, esball国际平台客户端
  • Dr. 李良伟(2019年博士论文),Facebook软件工程师
  • Dr. Xiaoliang Zhang (PhD thesis 2019), Principal Software Engineer, Cadence Design Systems, Dallas TX
  • Dr. 陈匡旭(博士.D. 论文2023),助理教授,深圳


  • Shantanu Bailoor, MS thesis 2016, PhD student, Johns Hopkins University
  • Mao Li, MS thesis 2019, Software Development Engineer II at Amazon Advertising
  • 陈匡旭,硕士论文2020
  • 丁驰,硕士论文2021
  • 德鲁·萨福德,硕士论文2023
  • 斯蒂芬门罗,硕士论文2024年,NSWC卡德罗克分部


  • Todd Dillon, Lead Systems Engineer at Lockheed Martin RMS,  Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2013.
  • Roland Yu, Account Technical Specialist at NetApp, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2018. 


副教授,终身制 乔治华盛顿大学,2016-2019
助理教授 乔治华盛顿大学,2010-2016
博士后研究员 斯坦福大学,2007-2010


计算流体动力学,  船用推进, 磁流体动力学, 固耦合, Heat Transfer.
小组成员: Stephen Monroe(硕士学生), 罗素·汉基(本科生), 麦克斯韦斯蒂芬, 格雷迪·里根(UG研究), Nathan Hewey (UG研究), Peter Lef (UG研究), Rubayed Razib(硕士学生)


  • 2001-2004:英国大学海外研究学生奖
  • 2012: Outstanding fluid-structure-interaction technical paper award at the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, Toronto
  • 2014: Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program Award
  • 2016:国家科学基金成就奖
  • 2019: Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
  • 2023-2024: AIAA Abe Zarem航空教育家奖
  • 2023-2024:esball国际平台客户端百万俱乐部



  • R. J. Hankey, K. Chen, and C. Liang, Extending the Spectral Difference Method with Divergence Cleaning (SDDC) to the Hall MHD Equations, 东北复杂系统学报, 2023, 5(1), Article 1.
  • K. Chen, C. Liang and M. Wan, Arbitrarily high-order accurate simulations of compressible rotationally constrained convection using a transfinite mapping on cubed-sphere grids, 流体物理,Vol . 35, 086120, 2023.
  • D. Safford, J. Wang, C. Liang, K. Visser, Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations Of A Ducted Wind Turbine , ASME流体工程杂志, 网上发布, October 2023.  doi:
  • Q. Xie, X. Ji, Z. Qiu, C. Liang, K. Xu, High-Order Spectral Difference Gas-Kinetic Schemes for Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, East Asian J. Appl. Math., 13 (2023), pp. 499-523.
  • Chi Ding, Bin Zhang, Chunlei Liang, 肯尼斯·维瑟, Guangming Yao, High-Order Large-Eddy Simulations of a Wind Turbine in Ducted and Open-Rotor Configurations,  ASME流体工程杂志, 网上发布,  October 2022,
  • K. Chen and C. Liang, An arbitrarily high-order Spectral Difference method with Divergence Cleaning (SDDC) for compressible magnetohydrodynamic simulations on unstructured grids, 天体物理学杂志, 网上发布, June 2022.
  • K. Chen and C. Liang, A divergence-free high-order Spectral Difference method with Constrained Transport (SDCT) for ideal compressible magnetohydrodynamics. In Press, Int. 计算流体力学学报,2022.
  • B. Zhang and C. Liang, A Conservative High-Order Method Utilizing Dynamic Transfinite Mortar Elements for Flow Simulations on Curved Nonconforming Sliding Meshes, 计算物理杂志, 2021,
  • B. Zhang, C. Ding, C. Liang, High-order implicit large-eddy simulation of flow over a marine propeller, Computers & 流体,2021,Vol 224, 104967.
  • X. Zhang and C. Liang, An open boundary condition for high-order solutions of magnetohydrodynamics on unstructured grids, Int. 计算流体力学学报,2020,
  • Zihua Qiu, Bin Zhang, Chunlei Liang, Min Xu, A high-order solver for simulating vortex-induced vibrations using sliding-mesh spectral difference method and hybrid grids, 国际流体数值方法杂志, Vol 90, 171-194, 2019.
  • Mao Li, Zihua Qiu, Chunlei Liang, 迈克尔·A·斯普拉格, Charles Garris, A New High-order Spectral Difference Method for Simulating Viscous Flows on Unstructured Grids with Mixed-Elements, Computers & Fluids, Vol . 184, 187- 198,2019.
  • Jingjing Yang, Chunlei Liang, A high-order flux reconstruction adaptive mesh refinement method for magnetohydrodynamics on unstructured grids. 国际流体数值方法杂志, 第86卷,231-253,2018.
  • C. Cox, C. Liang, and M. Plesniak, A high-order solver for unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using the flux reconstruction method on unstructured grids with implicit dual time stepping. 计算物理学报,Vol . 14, 414-435, 2016.
  • Chunlei Liang, Krzysztof Fidkowski, Per-Olof佩尔森, Peter Vincent, 某些雅各布斯, 庆祝David A. Kopriva、电脑 & 流体学报,Vol . 39, 2016,
  • J. Wang, M. S. Miesch, and C. 扁太阳型恒星的对流. 天体物理学杂志》上, Vol 830, 2016.
  • B. Zhang and C. Liang, A Simple, Efficient, High-order Accurate Sliding-Mesh Interface Approach to the Spectral Difference Method on Coupled Rotating and Stationary Domains. 计算物理学报,Vol . 29, 147-16, 2015.
  • J. Wang, C. Liang and M. S. Miesch, A Compressible High-Order Unstructured Spectral Difference Code for Stratified Convection in Rotating Spherical Shells, 计算物理杂志, Vol 290, pp 90-111, 2015.
  • Chunlei Liang, Krzysztof Fidkowski, Per-Olof佩尔森, Peter Vincent, 庆祝安东尼·詹姆逊教授八十寿辰, Vol 98, 1-2, 2014,
  • 安德鲁·德容和梁春雷, Parallel spectral difference method for predicting 3D vortex-induced vibrations, Computers, and Fluids, Volume 98,  2014, Pages 17-26.
  • 詹姆斯·陈,詹姆斯·D.Lee, 梁春蕾, 微极电磁流体的本构方程, 非牛顿流体力学学报, 166:867-874, 2011.
  • J. Chen, C. Liang, and J. D. Lee,  Numerical simulation for unsteady compressible Micropolar fluid flow, 计算机和流体, vol 66, pp. 1-9, 2012.
  • 康斯坦丁尼迪斯和梁春蕾, Dynamic response of a turbulent cylinder wake to sinusoidal inflow perturbations across the vortex lock-on range, 流体物理学, Vol . 23, 075102, 2011;
  • A. Chan, P. 杜威,安东尼·詹姆森,C. Liang, and A. Smits, Vortex suppression and drag reduction in the wake of counter-rotating cylinders, 流体力学学报,  679: 343-382, 2011.
  • C. Liang, A. Chan, A. Jameson, A p-multigrid spectral difference method for two-dimensional unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations, Computers & 《esball国际app》,第51卷,127-135页,2011年.
  • C.  Liang, K.   Ou, S.  Premasuthan, A.   Jameson and Z. J. Wang. High-order accurate simulations of unsteady flow past plunging and pitching airfoils. 计算机和流体, 2011年第1期,第40卷,236-248页.
  • J. Chen, C. Liang and J. D. Lee, 微极流体动力学理论与仿真, 纳米工程与纳米系统学报, 224, 31-40, 2011.
  • C.  Liang, A.  Jameson and Z. J.  Wang. Spectral Difference method for two-dimensional compressible flow on unstructured grids with mixed elements. 计算物理杂志, vol 228, pp 2847-2858, 2009.
  • C. Liang, G. Papadakis, X. Luo, Effect of tube spacing on the vortex shedding characteristics of laminar flow past an inline tube array: a numerical study, Computers & 流体,Vol 38, 950-964, 2009.
  • C.  Liang, R.  Kannan, and Z. J.  Wang. A p-Multigrid Spectral Difference Method with explicit and implicit smoothers on unstructured triangular grids. 计算机工程学报,2009,38 (4):557 - 557.
  • C.  Liang and G.  Papadakis. 交错管束流动的大涡模拟. 流体学报,23 (3):1215-1230,2007.
  • T Stoesser, C Liang, W Rodi, G Jirka, “Large Eddy Simulation of Fully-developed Turbulent Flow Through Submerged Vegetation”, 2006年河川流量, pp. 227-234.


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