

In 2019, esball国际平台客户端 was awarded a nearly $1 million grant by the National Science foundation (NSF) that will be used to reduce bias in the fields of Science, 技术, 工程与数学(STEM).

这个项目, 茎的领导, 教师公平与进步(STEM LEAF), is designed to effect positive institutional change around reduction of implicit or unintentional bias associated 智慧h gender and intersectional issues of race, 种族, 原产国, 性取向, 和残疾, to systematically and equitably support the development of inclusive 领导 skills and the professional advancement of women STEM faculty, 实现可持续发展, 为支持这些目标,整个大学进行了系统的改革. 

T智慧ter: @clarksonadvance YouTube频道 

什么是NSF 推进?

  • 这个国家科学基金会的项目始于2001年,从那时起, 160多所院校获得了推进资助.
  • 推进 focuses on “broadening the implementation of evidence-based systemic change strategies that promote equity for STEM faculty in academic workplaces and the academic profession.


Transformation of the campus culture to further foster innovation through inclusion and belonging by the following:

  • significantly reduce implicit or unintentional bias associated 智慧h gender, 种族和民族, 性取向, 残疾, 原产国
  • support inclusive 领导 development of current and future 大学领导 and professional development of STEM women faculty
  • promote the sustainability of these systemic efforts through university-wide structural changes 

联络我们: advance@yuushi-lab.com. 了解更多参与的选择,包括:

  • STEM女性教师咨询小组
  • 倡导者和盟友计划
  • 各种活动的策划委员会

esball国际平台客户端的推进团队包括总裁马克·克里斯滕森, 劳拉Ettinger, 斯蒂芬妮Schuckers, 珍球, 比尔Jemison, 汤姆Langen, Sumona Mondal, 克里斯托弗•罗宾逊, 琥珀斯蒂芬森, 艾米McGaheran, 伊丽莎白(丽莎)波德拉哈-墨菲, 阿曼达·皮克林, 莎拉Treptow, 米歇尔·克里米. 

   * Leadership workshops for university leaders and emerging leaders (particularly women, 自我认同或他人认同) 

   * Not to “fix women” but rather to address the reality of women’s 多样化的 experiences 

研讨会将定期公布. 想了解更多信息或参与其中, esball国际平台客户端



Clarkson has partnered 智慧h The Conversation to promote our faculty as subject matter experts in your unique field of expertise. Each day they publish dozens of articles on timely topics such as COVID-19 and aerosols, 你和COVID超级传播者坐在一起吗, 社交媒体上的假账户, 以及为什么有争议的选举不会摧毁美国的民主, 举几个例子. They are always looking for new and unique ideas and stories from our faculty experts.


  • 为什么要告诉媒体
  • 为什么它很重要/有价值
  • 当记者要求采访你时,他们真正想要的是什么
  • 如何构建你的研究,使其能够被广泛的受众所接受 
  • 精心设计你的信息,使其被听到和使用的方法


The STEM LEAF/推进 Team is sponsored a webinar that will be focused on being an active bystander in STEM classroom settings.


Understand the five stages of being an active bystander, and the associated benefits and barriers. 在不同的场景中练习干预.


  • Designed to improve gender equity through the direct and proactive engagement of men faculty.
    • Advocates: senior men faculty who educate themselves about issues of gender [in]equity;
    • Allies: men faculty whom the Advocates train as proponents for gender equity in their departments.
  • Used by more than 15 universities, including Lehigh University and Rochester Institute of 技术
  • 与女教员协商
  • Program introduction and training by North Dakota State University founders of program: Fall 2020 Semester

研讨会将定期公布. 欲了解更多信息或参与,请联系 克里斯托弗•罗宾逊


  • 操作手册审核
  • 部门主席的职责明确提到培养一个支持性的, 多样化的, 包容的部门环境
  • Examination and possible revision of academic policies in relation to recruitment and 保留 of women faculty
  • Improving awareness of policies and ensuring that they are put into practice


  • Perform in-depth oral history interviews 智慧h a sample of current and former Clarkson female-identified STEM faculty.
  • Deepen our understanding of the challenges female-identified STEM faculty face, 尤其是在小的时候, 地理上孤立的科技大学.
  • Inform试图改变校园文化,增加招聘, 保留, 以及女性STEM教师的进步.


How to Get a Job Offer from a Smaller Joint Teaching-研究 Mission University and What to Do Once You Have It 作者:汤姆·兰根


Allyship (& 同谋):什么,为什么和如何 




The entrenched inequity of not appropriately citing scholarship of women and people of color  




  • 包容推动指南 丽莎·凯宾斯基著 & Tinna C. 尼尔森
    • Synopsis: 包容 Nudges are practical designs to influence the unconscious mind to automatically be inclusive in daily actions, 领导, 和决策. 包容性推动是对流程的重新设计, 观念的重构, as well as eye-openers that motivate and engage people in making inclusion the norm everywhere, 对每个人来说. 包容推动指南 is a collection of 100 how-to examples designed based on behavioural and social sciences and insights about stuck patterns for inclusion. These are all designed and applied by us and a global community of change makers who share their own proven examples.
  • 看不见的女人:为男人设计的世界中的数据偏见 卡罗琳·克里亚多·佩雷斯著 
    • 摘要:数据是现代世界的基础. 从经济发展来看, 医疗, 教育和公共政策, 我们依靠数字来分配资源和做出重要决定. 而是因为太多的数据没有考虑到性别, 因为它把男人当作默认的,而把女人当作非典型的, 偏见和歧视根植于我们的制度之中. And women pay tremendous costs for this bias, in time, money, and often 智慧h their lives. Celebrated feminist advocate Caroline Criado Perez investigates shocking root cause of gender inequality and research in Invisible Women†‹, 深入了解女性的家庭生活, 工作场所, 公共广场, 医生办公室, 和更多的. 基于在美国进行的数百项研究, 英国, 在世界各地, 写得充满活力, 智慧, 还有闪耀的智慧, 这是一个开创性的, 难忘的曝光会改变你看世界的方式.
  • 公平竞争 伊芙·罗德斯基
    • 故事梗概:从“我要做的事清单”开始. Tired of being the "shefault" parent responsible for all aspects of her busy household, 伊芙·罗斯基计算了所有未付工资, invisible work she was doing for her family - and then sent that list to her husband, 要求事情发生改变. 他的回答是...平庸的. Rodsky realized that simply identifying the issue of unequal labor on the home front wasn't enough: She needed a solution to this universal problem. 她的理智、身份、事业和婚姻都有赖于此. The result is 公平竞争: a time- and anxiety-saving system that offers couples a completely new way to divvy up chores and responsibilities. Rodsky interviewed more than 500 men and women from all walks of life to figure out what the invisible work in a family actually entails and how to get it all done efficiently. 有四个容易遵循的规则, 100件家务, 以及为你和你的伴侣准备的一系列谈话开场白, 公平竞争 helps you prioritize what's important to your family and who should take the lead on every chore from laundry to homework to dinner. “赢得”这场游戏意味着重新平衡你的家庭生活, 重燃你和另一半的感情, 并收回你的独角兽空间-就像, the time to develop the skills and passions that keep you interested and interesting. Stop drowning in to-dos and lose some of that invisible workload that's pulling you down. 你准备好尝试公平竞争了吗? 让我们把你算进去.