Bias Prevention and Awareness

What is BPART?

The BPART was developed over the course of 2019 and is comprised by staff from the Chief Inclusion Office, Dean of Students Office, Provost Office, Office of Information Technology, Counseling Center, Human Resources, Campus Safety, Athletics, External Relations, and the Climate and Engagement Committee.   

The BPART uses a framework based on five key elements:

  • Prevent
  • Prepare
  • Respond
  • Heal
  • Educate

Please see the Student Code of Conduct or Operations Manual for discussions of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom.

If you wish to report an incident, you can do so with the Chief Inclusion Office (315-268-3785) or with Campus Safety & Security (315-268-6666)

Report an Incident: Chief Inlusion OfficeReport an Incident: Campus Safety

The Role of BPART

Harassment and Discrimination

While acts of bias can be result in illegal harassment and discrimination, the BPART does not make this determination. They would support and assist in community impact needs. Please refer to the Nondiscrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures or the Sexual Misconduct Policy for how these matters are handled.

Support for Those Impacted

BPART understands that distinguishing whether something is a bias incident or a hate crime may be difficult. If you have a feeling, or just want to report the incident to be sure, feel free to make a report about what happened, and we can help you from there. Our staff can examine a situation and help a reporter decide what to do next.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Bias

Q: What is a bias incident?

A. A bias incident is conduct that discriminates, stereotypes, excludes, harasses or harms anyone in our community based on their identity (such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or religion).

Q: When does bias occur?

A. Bias occurs whether the act is:

  • intentional or unintentional
  • directed toward an individual or a group  

A bias-based incident is one which has a negative effect on an individual or group and is based on or motivated by bias against race, color, creed, nationality , sexual orientation, gender, physical or mental disability, political or religious ideology, age, or any other distinguishing characteristic.

The incident is experienced as hurtful by one or many and may involve harassment, the creation of a hostile environment, property damage, verbal threats of violence, or physical violence. The incident may or may not involve breaches of University policies or state or federal law. BPART does not handle these breaches, such incidents are referred to the appropriate campus authorities.

Q: What is the difference between a bias incident and a hate crime?

A. The above description may make someone think of the term “Hate Crime”. However, these two terms are not the same. What distinguishes the two is the legality of the action.

For example, degrading someone because they are a person of color is a hate crime.

If someone is harassed or teased because of a disability but not to the point of violating a law, it is bias incident. As soon as the action crosses the line of violating a law, it may be defined as a hate crime.

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